Schools for Boys With Behavioral Problems
26 SEP 2017

Sending your son to a school for boys with behavioral problems can be an excellent option for many families. Most of these schools seek to rehabilitate boys through special care and education, and prepare them to go back into standard schools. Some common problems that these schools help to treat include emotional, violent, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies.
1 Social Education Stage Systems
Most schools that educate troubled children will include a program in the curriculum that teaches social and communication skills. Stone Mountain School in Black Mountain, North Carolina, includes a multiple-stage system that teaches communication skills, social skills, behavioral self-regulation, self-esteem building and self-management skills. This specialized instruction is designed to help boys mature to the level of their peers and help acclimate students back into the traditional school setting.
2 Therapeutic Counseling
Most schools for troubled boys provide counseling and intervention services. Many students enrolled in these schools suffer from anger management problems or have substance abuse problems. There can also be further problems resting at deeper levels that only a professional diagnosis can reveal, such as attention deficit disorder, Asperger's syndrome or bi-polar disorder. Single-sex schools for troubled boys that offer therapeutic counseling sessions tend to apply them to a structured program with a group of peers to promote healthy social interaction.
3 Help for Families
These schools all share a common goal: to rehabilitate students and return them home to their families as healthy, happy boys ready to enter a traditional school and be supportive, contributing family members. The Children’s Village has a program that integrates family members directly into the child’s care program to ensure that the transition to the home will be easier for both parties. This school offers family leadership initiative workshops and family support programs to parents to help them work with their children's rehabilitation programs.
4 Calming Out-Of-Control Behavior
Located in Wyoming, Triangle Cross Ranch specializes in providing a comprehensive academic program while treating and rehabilitating teenage boys with self control problems in a calming ranch setting. Triangle Cross Ranch is a Catholic school that uses authentic cowboy experiences in the great outdoors as a backdrop for providing therapy to out-of-control students who may suffer from a number of psychological disorders and learning disabilities. The school relies heavily on interaction with horses as a therapeutic basis for teens and their families, thus offering a refreshing alternative to the traditional, clinical schools.