How to Write an Application Letter to a Class Teacher

When you are busy with an application process, you may be intimidated by the thought of having to write an application letter, particularly when it comes to submitting one to an instructor. An application letter is a letter that spells out your intentions in applying and explains concisely why you want a particular position. It also provides a clear reference for the teacher to whom you are sending the application — all of your pertinent information is available at a glance along with the information about the job for which you are applying.
1 Use for your resume
Start with the letterhead you use for your resume. Make sure you have the exact same information. Include the your name, your address, phone and email.
2 Add the date
Add the date. It is important for your potential employer to know when you applied in order to stay organized. Do not add to his daily work load by forgetting this rudimentary element.
3 Introduce yourself
Introduce yourself in the first paragraph and include a short sentence about the position you are applying for. In the second paragraph, include a more detailed history as to your work experience and your qualifications for the job.
4 Include in your third paragraph
Include in your third paragraph the skills you have been developing as you have been employed. Assure the teacher that you are capable of helping the organization grow and develop and are passionate about the work for which you are applying.
5 Finish your letter
Finish your letter by including a few paragraphs about yourself and your experience that will help the teacher remember you when assessing the other applicants' resumes. Thank the teacher for his time and assure him that you are looking forward to an interview.
6 Place a salutation
Place a salutation at the bottom of the letter and include your resume with your application.