How to Write a Professional Goals Essay
25 JUN 2018

Whether applying for a scholarship, acceptance into an academic institution or employment by a particular company, you may be required to write a professional goals essay. The essay should address your intentions, your strengths and your intended long-term contribution to the profession. Take a serious approach to writing this essay. Demonstrate that you are mature for your age, goal oriented and a strong student. Carefully proofread your essay and fix any grammar or spelling errors before submitting.
1 Explain Motivation
When writing about a goal -- whether personal, academic or professional -- show the reader your inspiration behind the goal. For example, if your professional aim is to apply your MBA skills to running your father's business, you can write about specifically why keeping the family business going matters to you. Explaining the motivations behind your goal not only serves to develop your essay, but it also provides a personalized view of the significance of your objectives.
2 Connect Education to Career
Whether you are applying to an academic program, or trying to get hired for a particular job, your essay should address how your studies help you attain your professional goals. Explaining the connection between your academic plans and your career plans will show the reader that you have formulated a strategy to achieve your professional goals. This also gives the reader the opportunity to see that you have already taken active steps toward realizing these goals.
3 Describe Personal Characteristics
Your essay should discuss your personal characteristics that make you a good fit for this profession. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill suggests that your essay address whether "you have special skills, like leadership, management, research, or communication." For example, if your goal is to be a judge, you can write about how fair-minded and unbiased you are. Make certain to provide evidence in the form of specific examples to support every personal quality you mention.
4 Mention Societal Contributions
A goals essay should address both short-term and long-term goals. Toward the end of the paper you should explain how, in the long-term, your work will contribute to further the field. For example, if your goal is to be a chemist, you can explain how you ultimately intend to discover a cure for cancer. Or if you are a woman intending to join a profession generally dominated by men, you can address how your perspective as a woman will diversify the field. Lastly, outline a plan for how you will achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.