Church Trustee Job Description
29 SEP 2017

Many officers and laymen compose a church and help it to run efficiently. The pastor is likely the most noticeable and recognized, but there may be other pastors, deacons, board members and other officers "behind the scenes" on less noticeable aspects of conducting an effective ministry. The church trustees' job description may vary between denominations and churches, but there are some basic duties.
1 Property Maintenance
Church trustees are typically entrusted with the charge of maintaining the church's property. Church trustees can either do the maintenance and repairs themselves or hire others.
2 Regular Attendance
Trustees of the church are expected to attend church services and events. Before becoming an elected trustee, the person must generally be a church member. They are also required to work with those who are planning church events. Church trustees are also expected to give their tithes and offerings regularly.
3 Approve Expenses
As part of the church trustee job description, the official has the authority to approve payment of the church's bills and expenses. In many cases, any major expenses must be approved by the board of trustees. With that authority, however, the church trustee also has the responsibility of evaluating the need for the expense as well as the amount. Trustees may also suggest the financial institution in which the church's funds should be kept. In many churches, the trustees have their names on the church accounts so they can make deposits and withdrawals as needed.
4 Financial Reports
Church trustees are often asked to provide written financial reports for regular meetings so all church members can see where money is being spent. These reports typically itemize the money received and expenses. These reports are typically done in conjunction with the church treasurer.
5 Pastoral Decisions
When a church loses a pastor, the trustees typically appoint a search committee to fill the job. The trustees are often required to decide the salary and other terms.