Preschool Indoor PE Games

Early physical education is imperative for a healthy body. As early as preschool age, children can be introduced to indoor physical education games that promote motor skills, suck as kicking, skipping, galloping and running. Students also learn to follow oral directions when playing games with their preschool peers.
1 Front to Front
This preschool game will help preschool students learn body parts while playing with their friends. The kids start by standing in pairs facing each other, “front to front.” The instructor will shout out different instructions to the children, such as “shoulder to shoulder,” “back to back” and “elbow to elbow.” After five or six instructions, the teacher will shout for the kids to change. Students will then quickly find a new partner and the teacher will continue giving directions to the pairs.
2 Run Through the Jungle

Preschool children love to play games where they get to move around. The teacher starts by talking with the kids about what kinds of animals live in the jungle. Then, she will explain that they will play a game where they get to pretend to be jungle animals. Everyone begins by standing up and spreading out around the room. The teacher shouts out commands for the children to act out. The actions might include “jump over logs,” “duck under branches” and “run from the tiger.” Students might also have to “tiptoe past the snake,” “talk like a monkey” or “swing from a vine.” Although this will be a very loud game, it’s a great way to get the kids’ energy out.
3 Cat and Mouse

For this game, two students get to be the cats. The other children are the mice and have a tail (a colored piece of yarn or scarf) tucked into their waistband. When the teacher rings a bell, the mice will run around trying to avoid the cats. The cats try to pull the tails away from the mice. When a cat gets a mouse’s tail, the mouse must step out of the game. After five minutes, or when all of the tails have been taken, the teacher will choose two new children to be the cats.
4 Hoop

The teacher starts by collecting four to six hoops of different colors. Children must move around the area in some fashion. They may choose to run, skip or crawl until the teacher shouts, “Hoop!” At that point, each child must find a hoop to stand in while the teacher counts to three slowly with her eyes closed. Before opening her eyes, the teacher shouts out one color. All students in that particular hoop are out. As the teacher continues with the next round, the children who are already out get to close their eyes and the teacher will choose one student to call out a color after she counts to three. Play continues until one last student is standing.