Zephyr in Greek Mythology

Zephyr, also called Zephyrus, was the god of the west wind in ancient Greek mythology. He was also the god of the spring and the interceder between the world of the living and the underworld. In classical Greek art Zephyrs was depicted as a dashing, winged young man. His image was painted on vases and mosaics. He was often painted carrying unripe fruit in Greco-Roman art to symbolize that he was the god of the spring.
1 Family Life
Zephyr was the son of Astraeus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn. He compelled Khloris, the goddess of flowers, to marry him. They had a son together, Karpos, the deity of fruit. Zephyr fathered children with other women, too. The god of the west wind had two children with Iris, the goddess of the rainbow: Eros the god of love and Pothos, the god of sexual longing, yearning and desire. He had three children with Podarge, one of the Harpies or wind deities. However, these offspring were not humanoid but the immortal horses Xanthus, Balius and Areion. Xanthus and Balius became the horses of Achilles. Zephyr was said to have fathered tigers in addition to humanoid deities and horses.
2 The Winds of Greek Mythology
Zephyr was one of the five deities of the wind in Greek mythology. Aeolos was the ruler of the winds. Boreas was the god of the North Wind, Euros was the god of the East Wind, Notos was the god of the South Wind and Zephyr was the god of the West Wind.