How to Request an Eagle Scout Letter of Recommendation

Congratulations! You are on thebrink of earning the highest honor that can be granted a member of the scouting community: Eagle Scout. You have spent the past years winning pinewood derbys, learning how to start and put out campfires, and helping various community members and organizations with this endpoint in mind. Only about 5% of boy scouts make it to this point, so some celebration is certainly in order. There are only a few last steps you must take before official, and one of those steps is requesting adults in your life--teachers, neighbors, organization leaders etc.--to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Below are some simple steps to follow when asking the adults in your life to assist you in this vein.
1 Complete a resume
Complete a resume detailing all your activities and accomplishments. Provide your letter writer all the information they need to write a detailed, specific letter of recommendation.
2 Provide your letter writer
Provide your letter writer a copy of the recommendation form. Consult your scout district leadership to discover what recommendation forms are required. These forms vary by district.
3 Contact those
Contact those you would like to ask for references. You may do so in writing, on the phone, or in person, although it demonstrates more respect to request a letter in person. No matter the form, inform the chosen person(s) what you are applying for, how difficult the process it is, and why you have chosen him or her to write a letter of recommendation. Honor the role that person has played in your life. Be sure to inform the writer what the due date for the letter is and how to submit it.
4 Write a thank you note
Write a thank you note. As soon as you receive the letter of recommendation, thank the person for his time and again the role he has played in your life. Once you have been confirmed as an Eagle Scout, you should send invitations to your Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony to those who wrote letters of recommendation.