How to Write a Simple Personal Biography

Biographies are a written expression that helps us share our life stories and experiences. A biography contains factual information written in a captivating and interesting manner. You can write or ask a professional writer to help you write your biography, or you may get a request to write a biography of someone else. Well-written biographies speak to the reader.
Determine a reason for writing the biography such as for a resume, a blog, a college application or a book. Reflect on your life and outline events in your life to include in the biography. Go through old photos and home video to remember past events.
Research the life of the person you are writing about if it is not your autobiography. Speak to close family and friends to gather information to use in the biography. Collect old photographs and videos to learn of events and people in the person’s life.
Divide your points into sections such as introduction, childhood life, teenage life, adult life and the conclusion. Make notes to build on your points and confirm dates to include in the biography.
As the website Anecdote advises, select an angle to use which will present the biography in the most interesting way possible. Focus on the parts of the life that you want to share with your target audience and that will interest the reader.
Organize your points in a chronological manner for the final outline. Research any additional information that will build up your biography.
Write down all the information you gathered and you want to include in your biography. Refer to your outline to avoid leaving out any points. Include all details you deem important and write freely without worrying about the structure. Ensure you give factual life accounts in an interesting way and not a historical recap. Interact with the reader throughout the biography.
Edit the biography by reading and rereading to correct grammatical and spelling errors. Leave your work overnight or for a few days before re-editing; this helps you approach the biography with a fresh mind to correct the sentence structures.
Review your introduction and ensure it is interesting and captivating. Use a quote, fact or thought-provoking opening sentence to capture the reader’s attention. Finish off the biography in an interesting manner such as with a proverb or your favorite quote.