Where Is the Navigation Bar on the Nook App for the iPad?

The Nook app on the iPad sports two different sets of navigational tools. The first set enables you to browse, sort and sync your library of purchased, downloaded and side-loaded reading material. The second helps you steer through the contents and adjust settings of the specific item you're reading.
1 Library Navigation
Launching Nook on the iPad takes you to your library home page if you’re already signed in. Navigation tools lie at the top, though not in a typical bar. Instead, you’ll find a couple of drop-down menus on the left and a double-arrow sync icon on the right, just below a search bar.
Tap the “All Items” drop-down menu to display your library items by type -- for example, books only. Use the second drop-down menu to sort your library items chronologically, starting with the most recent, or by author or title. The search bar helps you call up a specific reading item or collection by name and the sync icon refreshes your screen with new purchases.
2 Reading Navigation
Tap any library item to begin or continue reading it. Once inside, a strip up top gives you the tools by which to navigate the reading material’s table of contents, go to a specific page, search for terms, adjust reading settings and archive the item. The strip disappears as you read, but you simply tap the screen to summon it back. To return to your library, touch the “Bookshelf” icon on the upper left corner.