Music Topics to Write About in an Argument Essay

Digital music devices, downloading and free online streaming sites have not only changed how you listen to your favorite music, but also have become subjects for debate. These issues could be great topics for an argumentative essay, which requires you to present a well-researched opinion on a multifaceted subject. Choosing a music-related topic for your essay lets you explore issues of cultural impact and technology.
1 The Vinyl Revival
Digital downloads may make your music collection more portable, but vinyl records have experienced a surprising surge in popularity. While the advent of the CD pushed them off store shelves in the early 1990s, sales of vinyl rose 33 percent in 2013, according to the Nielsen SoundScan ratings. For your essay, research this new trend and formulate an argument about why modern-day listeners are drawn to older technology amid the growth of digital music. For example, your thesis might explore what creates the full, rich sound that separates digital music from vinyl and why it appeals to fans.
2 Music: The Kid Connection
Using music in children's classrooms presents a host of benefits to students, including the development of emotional expression, social skills and a stronger connection to course material. It can be used to introduce new concepts, set the tone for the school day and provide engaging background music for indoor activities. Write an argumentative essay that describes how using music in the classroom can positively benefit kids. For example, you might focus on how music helps students build relationships through better behavior, such as being more willing to help each other.
3 Generational Jams
From the big bands of the World War II era to 1960s protest music to early 1990s rap, every generation has a genre of music that speaks to its values and experiences. Choose a song from a particular era and research the events that took place when it was popular. Then, write an argumentative essay presenting the case for why that song defines the generation of its original audience. For example, "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival embodies the anger of young people over the Vietnam war draft, especially the social injustices it involved.
4 To Stream or Not to Stream
Free streaming sites such as Spotify and Pandora may be opening doors for fans to discover new tunes, but they've also divided producers and artists on whether these programs are good for music sales. In 2013, use of music streaming websites rose by 32 percent, while digital music sales sharply declined, according to the Nielsen SoundScan ratings. Write an argumentative essay that makes the case for whether music streaming is a positive or negative force in the industry. For example, you might argue that streaming gives artists a valuable marketing opportunity, especially for letting fans preview new songs and albums.