Persuasive Speech Topics on Music

Persuasive speeches provide solid examples and facts on one side of a controversial topic. There are several debatable topics on music ranging from music therapy to censoring lyrics. Speeches on music are effective because almost everyone can relate to hearing or playing an instrument. The best persuasive speeches touch an emotional side of the listener. A great speech also provides a new perspective on the topic that the audience will remember.
1 Music Therapy

The use of music as therapy lacks public awareness. Groups such as the American Music Therapy Association seek to assure people that music therapy is beneficial. This speech topic supports the evidence-based medical benefit in music therapy. The American Music Therapy Association is just one of the organizations using credentialed professionals for music intervention. Music therapists help meet the emotional needs of clients by creating, singing, and listening to music. The speech presenter should provide examples and real life testimonies about how music therapy has improved a client's medical state.
2 Music Intelligence

The idea of music making children smarter is debatable and controversial. This persuasive speech topic would seek to support the idea that children who play musical instruments read earlier, and score higher on standardizes tests. For example, experiments done in 1993 claimed that listening to Mozart would increase the IQ by eight points, but this claim remains debatable. Patricia DeCorsey, coordinator of Lawrence University's Early Childhood Music Program, claims that music simply develops the mathematical and language centers in the brain. The speech should encourage children to learn music in the developing years.
3 Censoring Music

Music censorship is a controversial topic and makes a great persuasive speech topic. There are arguments on both sides of the debate about how tight restrictions should be on music. The National Coalition Against Censorship is a group of non-profit organizations who seek to defend First Amendment rights. This group defends freedom of communication through music. However, there are those on the opposing side who seek stricter guidelines on explicit music lyrics and content. The Federal Communications Commission is a government agency in charge of monitoring music, television, and radio for content. This speech can argue on either side about whether music should be censored or free for expression by the artist.