How to Keep a Man Interested in a Long Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships have become more commonplace as modern technology makes it possible for couples to communicate with ease, even when many miles separate them. Many relationships today begin when men and women meet and develop romantic feelings online. In other cases, long-distance couples are the result of work or college obligations. Although many long-distance relationships thrive, it will take extra effort on your behalf to maintain your man's interest, especially since the bulk of your contact doesn't happen in person.
1 Open Communication
The proliferation of smartphones has made it easier than ever for couples to stay in touch through video calls. Because of this, you should be able to see your man daily, if you'd like. Kasandra Monid, a professional life coach, advises on the "Canadian Living" site that it's preferable to get into the routine of calling at the same time every day, because that action demonstrates commitment to the relationship. Sharing the mundane details of life may help prevent suspicion and it will also tell your man that he is a priority in your life. Be honest in your conversations and avoid provoking his jealousy. Additionally, set boundaries together that will help build trust. For example, you don't want your man worrying about your spending time with another man, even if you're just friends. So consider carefully who you choose to spend your free time with. Try your best to keep him informed of your social calendar.
2 Surprise Him
Keep your relationship fresh and exciting by arranging special surprises. At the end of your face-to-face visit, leave little notes hidden in unexpected places letting him know how much he means to you. Plant them in places he won't discover until some time has passed -- for example, in the laundry detergent box if he only uses it once a week. Most men appreciate an unexpected card or gift in the mail. Don't hesitate to have flowers delivered with a card telling him how much you miss him or arrange delivery of his favorite food.
3 Frequent Visits
Plan to get together as frequently as time and money permit. Award-winning lifestyle writer Jackie Middleton suggests that while it's tempting to make your reunions exciting romantic dates, it's equally important to bring realistic expectations into your discussions when you are together. Don't hesitate to raise serious topics such as where you'll both be living in the future and when to have children. When you're together, it's a good idea to establish boundaries around socializing with members of the opposite sex and to share feelings of jealousy either of you might be experiencing.
4 Sex and Intimacy
The website reports that many long-distance couples report sex lives at least as good as those who live together. Meeting infrequently probably helps keep the romance fresh and alive. Researchers at the University of Hong Kong found that long-distance couples reported having more meaningful interactions than did couples living together. Sharing your successes and failures, hopes and fears will help create intimacy that will help your man feel close to you. Small details, such as spraying a love letter with your favorite perfume, can have a huge impact on your relationship.