Tips on How to Survive a Long-Distance Relationship

Nurturing a loving relationship despite the barrier of distance can be overwhelming and exhausting, whether your loved one is an intimate partner, sibling, friend, parent or child. Each relationship has different dynamics and different needs. While dealing with distance can be overwhelming and exhausting, it is still possible to enjoy a stable and fulfilling relationship if parties invest attention, time and energy in its upkeep.
1 Stay In Touch
Arrange a convenient time each day for you and your loved one to connect over the phone or Internet. This keeps you invested in the relationship. You might also maintain additional contact via email, text messaging and online social networking sites. In "Love in Long-Distance Relationships," psychologist and psychoanalyst Suzanne Phillips points out that technological advances allow couples to maintain an intimate connection despite distance.
2 Take Care of Yourself
Be careful not to get so absorbed in worry and longing for your loved one that you lose sight of your life and priorities. Spend time with friends and family and do things you enjoy. Actively take care of yourself through regular exercise, a nutritious diet, adequate rest and regular medical care. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally, as well as indulging in the activities you love, will keep you grounded in your sense of self.
3 Healthy Communication
Avoid the temptation to keep concerns about the relationship to yourself to minimize conflict. Open, honest communication is crucial to the well-being of any relationship -- and even more so when time apart can cause insecurities to thrive. Trust, or lack of it, is a common theme in many long-distance relationships, according to the Psych Central article, "7 Tips for Long-Distance Couples." Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and respectful, assertive communication is a primary avenue for achieving it.
4 Plan Time Together
Plan quality time together when possible, keeping your partner's interests in mind. If your boyfriend is coming home from college for the summer, for instance, remember that he will probably be unable or unwilling to spend all of his time with you. He will need time with friends and family, as well as time alone. It is possible that your daily routine will not coincide with his. Neither of you are required to make extensive adjustments to accommodate the other. Be patient and realistic.