Johnson & Johnson Scholarships for Nursing

Health care products giant Johnson & Johnson is committed to creating access to quality medical care worldwide. As part of that commitment, the company offers various scholarships for nurses and maintains a clearinghouse for non-J&J nursing scholarship information.
1 Johnson & Johnson Veterans Scholarship
J&J offers a competitive undergraduate nursing scholarship for veterans. It is a one-time award allocated over four semesters. Eligible candidates must provide proof of military service along with a personal statement describing how it influenced the decision to study nursing. In addition to completing the scholarship application, students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, commonly called the FAFSA. To maintain the award over the four semesters, students must keep a grade point average of at least 3.0.
2 Minority Nurse Faculty Scholarship
Along with the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, J&J sponsors the Minority Nurse Faculty Scholars program for nurses enrolled in graduate school. In exchange for financial aid, nurses receiving the scholarship must teach in a nursing school after graduation. The scholarship is available to minority nurses -- members of groups under-represented in nursing -- enrolled full-time in graduate nursing school, with doctoral candidates receiving preference. Eligible applicants include those of Hispanic, Asian, African-American, American Indian or Pacific Islander descent.
3 African Scholarships
In conjunction with SOS Children’s Villages, J&J established a nursing and/or midwife scholarship for students in several African countries where the need for health care workers is high but the actual numbers are low. Scholarships are available for nursing students in Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These three-year scholarships provide full tuition. Initial scholarship recipients, consisting of 13 students, started classes in October 2012.
4 Discover Nursing
Concerned about a looming nationwide nursing shortage, J&J started the "Campaign for Nursing's Future" in 2002. Through the company's "Discover Nursing" website, nursing schools, hospitals and other health-related organizations can provide information -- including scholarship opportunities -- to potential nursing students. The site lists scholarships available for all nursing degree programs, from associate to doctoral. Scholarship information is further broken down by eligibility, including ethnicity, gender and grade point average requirements.