How to Write an Obituary for a Child
29 SEP 2017

How to Write an Obituary for a Child. Losing a child is one of the most painful experiences a family can go through. When writing a child's obituary, keep in mind that this is the family's last tribute for their loved child and should reflect a feeling of hope and comfort. It will be emotional for anyone writing obituaries, so follow these steps to make it a little less difficult.
1 Contact the newspaper first
Contact the newspaper first. Find out what the cost is and if there are any restrictions as to length. Some newspapers charge by the number of lines. Ask if pictures are included or at an added cost. Place the obituary a few days before the funeral or on the closest Sunday as that is the day of the most read obituaries.
2 Use the deceased child's
Use the deceased child's full name. If she went by a nickname, include that in parenthesis right after the first name.
3 Include the date and place
Include the date and place of the child's death. It is not necessary to give information on how he died. That is up to the family. Some families feel it is important to increase awareness of terrible childhood diseases for example: "Melanie led a valiant fight with cancer."
4 Write a brief description
Write a brief description of the child's life, including the place and date of birth. Sometimes this is difficult with a young child, but describe the people he inspired, and his favorite activities, hobbies or toys. Anything that is special or unique about the child.
5 Offer comfort and hope
Offer comfort and hope. For example, include a line about how much he will be missed, he will be with his family again or has completed his assignment on earth. Be brief and stay within the family's belief system.
6 Include the names
Include the names of the child's siblings and parents. Grandparents and aunts and uncles can also be mentioned, including those who have already died.
7 Include the information of the time
Include the information of the time, date and address of where the funeral will be held.
8 Be sent
End with instructions where flowers or contributions or where charitable donations in the child's name can be sent.