How to Help Your Child Write an Autobiography

Writing an autobiography is a common assignment issued by school teachers. The assignment helps children learn about their history and clarify their future goals. However, a child may not know how to start writing her autobiography, so here are some tips to help her along the way.
Define what an autobiography is to your child. Children often confuse the difference between a biography and an autobiography. Explain to your child that she will be writing her own life story, not someone else's.
Read an autobiography with your child. Choose an age-appropriate autobiography so that they do not get bored. Reading another person's autobiography will help your child get a better idea of what type of information to include in an autobiography.
Ask your child questions about his life, such as where he was born, where he lives, where he goes to school and how he spends his days. Asking questions will spark your child's imagination and help him form ideas for his autobiography.
Tell your child stories about her life when she was a baby and a toddler. Your child will enjoy hearing stories about herself that she no longer remembers, and she will garner useful information for her autobiography.
Show your child photographs from his past. Photos can bring back memories and enhance creativity.
Write an outline with your child. Writing an outline serves two purposes: it organizes your child's thoughts and guides him in the writing process, and it records his ideas so that he does not forget what he want to include in his autobiography.
- Have patience with your child. Children often find it hard to write an autobiography. They may think that their life has not been eventful enough to make an interesting story. Assure your child that her life is interesting and special.