How to Write a Birth Notice

Announce the arrival of your family's newest addition with a birth notice.

Few things in life are as exciting as the birth of a baby. Proud parents can't wait to show off their newest family member, and friends and extended family wait eagerly for information about the little one's arrival. One way to share the excitement of a new baby is by sending out a birth announcement. Following the etiquette for writing a baby birth notice can help you -- and the important people in your life -- celebrate your baby's birth.

Open your birth notice with a sentimental passage. Jason and Hae Carberry, founders of the designer announcements business Fine Moments, suggest using phrases such as "We have ten new toes to tickle," "We welcome with love," "We joyfully announce the birth of" or even simply "It's a boy/girl!"

Specify your baby's statistics. State his birth weight, which you may write as "7 pounds 12 ounces," "7 pounds, 12 ounces" or "7 lbs. 12 oz." Include his length/height. Add the date and time of his birth if there is enough space, though not all birth notices include this information. If your baby was a preemie, include an update on his status, such as how he is doing or when he did come or will come home from the hospital.

State the names of the parents announcing the birth of the new baby. Write the names either formally or informally: "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson" or "Jane and John Johnson." If the parents have different last names, include both parents' names, "Jane Smith and John Johnson," or just provide their first names. Place the parents' names either in the birth notice's introduction -- "Jane and John Johnson joyfully announce the birth of" -- or at the end of the notice.

Include the names of the baby's older siblings so they feel important. List their names at the end of the birth notice along with the parents' or let an older sibling announce the baby's birth: "Jeffrey proudly introduces his new baby brother."

Share your baby's name. You may include the baby's full name or only write the first and middle name. However, if the parents have different last names, you should specify the baby's last name so people know which name she will take. If you plan to call the baby by a nickname, include that name under her formal name. Include a photo of your baby -- or baby with proud parents.

Share your announcement with your local newspaper. Many community weeklies and smaller dailies publish birth announcements free of charge. Write a straightforward paragraph that includes the parents' names, baby name, birth date, weight/height, hometown (but not street address). Some newspapers will publish grandparents' names. Larger newspapers may charge for this service, so phone the newsroom or check the website.

Based in southern Idaho, Michelle Johnson started writing in 1991. Her work has been published in the science fiction and fantasy journal, "Extrapolation." Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and a Master of Arts in fantasy literature, both from Hofstra University in New York.
