How to Unveil a Plaque
29 SEP 2017

Whether it is to mark a historic event or site, a special occasion or a major achievement, a plaque is a symbol of distinction. In many cases, an entire celebration is built around the unveiling of a plaque. Generally, people who have had some part in financing, designing and/or administering the creation of the plaque, as well as people who were involved with the event or location it marks, are invited to the plaque's unveiling. Members of the general public might also be at hand. Unveiling a plaque can be simple or ceremonious.

1 Prepare some remarks beforehand
Prepare some remarks beforehand. If you are heading the unveiling ceremony, you may elect to make remarks of your own. You might also solicit speeches from those who conceived of the plaque and those who administered or financed its completion.

2 Whether the occasion is festive or somber
Whether the occasion is festive or somber, carefully chosen live or taped musical selections can inestimably enhance the event. You can choose a string quartet, a solo pianist, a gospel choir or a rock band, depending on the mood of the occasion.
3 Remove the veil from the plaque
Remove the veil from the plaque. If the occasion is full of pomp, a decided flourish -- a grand downward motion of the hand that results in a dramatic sweep of the fabric -- is in order. For more modest appeal, simply lift the fabric from the plaque.
4 Take pride in the response
Take pride in the response. Generally, the unveiling of a plaque results in approving sounds and gestures -- even applause -- from those in attendance. If you have had a major part in bringing the plaque to realization -- or just in organizing the celebration -- enjoy the warm reception.