How to Pray for a Husband
29 SEP 2017

A prayer is a silent or verbal call for something to enter your life. Whether you want the love and affection of a new romantic partner or want to pray for the and protection of a husband, the words you think and say may have more of an impact than you realize. Positive thinking, or prayer, is just one option when seeking out positivity in your life. You can also use prayer tools such as candles to help you visualize your request and create a symbolic connection between it and the divine.
Wear a prayer shawl as a symbolic “cover” of the prayer you wish to send to the receiver (God). Wear the prayer shawl wrapped around your shoulders, draped over your head or folded across your lap.
Place candles before the statues of saints, if applicable, or on a prayer table in front of you. Whether praying for the health and well being of a husband, or praying for a new spouse to enter your life, a vigil candle can solidify your request with Christ, according to the Catholic tradition. According to A Catholic Life website, “Lighting a candle is a way of extending one's prayer and showing solidarity with the person on whose behalf the prayer is offered.”
Light the candle before beginning the prayer and allow it to burn throughout the prayer. Focus your attention on the flame as you visualize a new romantic partner entering life and joining you in marriage, or sending healing power to a sick husband.
Bow or bend down in prayer with both hands placed together in front of your body. Ask the receiver (God) to hear and receive your prayer for a husband. If asking for a husband you wish to receive, describe the man you want to enter your life and join you in marriage. For example, ask for a “church going man,” if religious faith is important, or a “generous man with a kind heart” if generosity and kindness are requirements for a potential spouse.
Close the prayer with an affirmation of good faith. End the prayer by acknowledging the healing and transformative power of prayer. For example, say, “In God’s name I trust my prayer for a husband will be done,” or “In God’s hands I place my desires for a husband and know that he (or she or it) hears this prayer.”