How to Anoint Myself With Olive Oil

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The word "anoint" comes from the Latin "inungere," meaning "to smear on." References to anointing oil can be found in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. People used oil for blessings, healing the sick and ordaining servants of God. Many Christians use olive oil to anoint themselves or others in a symbolic affirmation of their religious devotion and commitment. You can anoint yourself daily or to mark special occasions, such as fasts.

1 Consecrate your olive oil

Consecrate your olive oil by holding it and asking God to bless and sanctify it.

2 Moisten your fingertips with olive oil

Moisten your fingertips with olive oil. Touch your fingertips to your head, mouth, eyes, nose, ears, hands and feet. Pray that you will be cleansed, and renew your commitment to God. If you are anointing yourself for a special occasion, reflect on the occasion and pray.

3 Store your olive oil in a cool

Store your olive oil in a cool, dry place. Do not refrigerate olive oil, as it may become cloudy.

Rebekah Richards is a professional writer with work published in the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution," "Brandeis University Law Journal" and online at She graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis University with bachelor's degrees in creative writing, English/American literature and international studies. Richards earned a master's degree at Carnegie Mellon University.
