How to Post a Prayer Request
29 SEP 2017

Matthew 18:20 states, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Prayer can be done alone, but it becomes even more powerful when others are invited to pray along with you. The next time you have a burden you wish to pray for, post it so that others can begin praying for you as well. Prayers can be posted anonymously if you do not wish to disclose your identity.
1 If you attend a church
If you attend a church, search your church's website for a prayer request page. According to USA Today, 78% of churches have websites. All you need to do is type your prayer request into the box and press submit. Some churches display the prayer request for all to see, while others take the prayer requests to a prayer meeting once a week where a group prays for you.
2 If you have Facebook
If you have Facebook, MySpace or Twitter accounts and you are comfortable doing so, post your prayer request in your status box. This allows your friends and family members to join you in prayer. You won't be able to remain anonymous, but you will be able to reach a large group of people with just one click of a button.
3 Contact your Pastor or church secretary
Contact your Pastor or church secretary. Ask them to post your prayer request by sending out an email to the church body, or by placing the prayer request in the next church newsletter. You can tell the Pastor or secretary whether you would prefer to remain anonymous.
4 Submit your prayer request
Submit your prayer request to various online prayer request websites (see Resources). This is a great option if your church is one of the 22% that currently doesn't have a website. Just type your prayer request in to the box. Omit your name and contact information if you wish to remain anonymous.
5 Search your favorite forums for a prayer request thread
Search your favorite forums for a prayer request thread. The Work at Home Mom's (WAHM) forum (see Resources) for example, has a prayer request thread. Members can post any prayer requests they have so that other members can pray for them. If you registered with a generic username, your post will be anonymous in the sense that no one will know your real name unless you tell them in the post.