How To Make Floral Funeral Sprays
29 SEP 2017

Making your own funeral flower display is a tasteful, respectful way to personalize your condolences and add a caring touch. There are many ways to make a lovely floral spray. They can be large or small; they can be simple or elaborate. They can be free standing (on an easel or stand), hanging or laid on the casket.
1 Decide of spray
Decide what kind of spray you want to make--the colors, the size and complexity--and if you want to add personal embellishments.
2 Gather all your materials and tools
Gather all your materials and tools together and have them within easy reach.
3 Is not already cut to fit into the form of your spray
If the floral foam is not already cut to fit into the form of your spray, do so. You want it to be snug so don’t over cut.
4 Soak the floral foam
Soak the floral foam in water and flower-food mix.
5 Place the wet floral foam
Place the wet floral foam into the form or container for your spray, using waterproof tape to secure it to the bottom and sides of the container.
6 A mesh
Either lay wire mesh over the floral foam or create a mesh from floral tape. This helps hold the foam in the container and gives the flowers an anchor.
7 Cover the foam/mesh form with moss
Cover the foam/mesh form with moss.
8 Press the flowers and greenery
Gently but firmly press the flowers and greenery (use ivy, leaves and other decorative plant parts as a base for the flowers and to fill in bald spots) into the moss and mesh and then into the foam. Your goal is to anchor them firmly without breaking the stems.
9 Continue Step 8
Continue Step 8 until the spray design is what you want.
10 Once all the flowers have been placed
Once all the flowers have been placed, if you are adding a personal embellishment such as a ribbon with your family’s name or a photo of the deceased, attach it using wire, chenille stems or pipe cleaners.