How to Make a U.S. Marine's Bunk
4 OCT 2017

The first skill a Marine recruit learns is how to stand at attention. Soon after, the hair is shaved off and a recruit begins the fast process of learning the basic skills and regulations required by the Marine Corps. Boot camp and life in the Fleet Marine Force require a rigidly structured lifestyle from sunrise to sunset with no margin for error. Learning how to make a bunk in uniform fashion is one of the basic skills a recruit learns in boot camp and then carries over to his duty station. The bunk, or "rack," is made the same way every morning upon reveille and must be to exact Marine Corps specifications.
Drape the sheet over the mattress and ensure that an even length hangs on all four sides. Tuck the foot and headboard sides under the mattress.
Pull one side of the sheet out horizontally. Then at the headboard end, make a 45-degree angle fold starting at the mattress top corner and angling down toward the floor. Then tuck the rest of the sheet under the mattress. Repeat this process for the footboard end, and then repeat on the opposite mattress side.
Drape the second sheet over the mattress, ensuring equal length on all four sides. Tuck the footboard side in and make the 45-degree angle folds at the mattress corners as in Step 2.
Drape the green blanket over the mattress, ensuring equal length on all four sides. Tuck the footboard side in and make the 45-degree angle folds at the mattress corners as in Step 2.
Fold the sheet and green blanket down together to make a 6-inch-wide fold evenly across the mattress. Fold it down until the distance between the fold and the mattress headboard is exactly 14 inches. Exactly 14 inches of white sheet should be exposed between the fold and the headboard.
Place the pillow centered on the 14-inch white space, 4 inches from the fold. Tuck the blanket under the mattress tightly on both sides.