How to Put Arches on a JROTC Uniform

The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps is an academic branch of the military established to teach adolescents disciple, leadership and citizenship. While the JROTC is not a binding military service, students participating in the program are expected to follow many military traditions, like wearing precise uniforms. Students participating in JROTC can wear arcs, arched metal pins representing their participation in various sports, academic achievements and military honors. Students may display the arcs on either class A or class B uniforms. But no matter what the uniform type, JROTC uniform regulations dictate a precise arcs placement.
Lay the ruler vertically along the right pocket. Place the upper end of the ruler below the pocket flap.
Align one of the outer edges with the center of the pocket button. Measure the center of the pocket body between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket body.
Pull the back off the JROTC arc. Push the arc pin through the pocket material at the center determined in Step 2. The center of the top of the arc should be aligned with the center of the pocket body.
Reach through the pocket and place the back on the arc pin to secure it.
Examine the positioning of the arc pin in order to ensure proper placement. The pin should be on the right breast pocket, centered between the right and left edge of the pocket body between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket body.
- For multiple arc pins, align them along the vertical center and separate them by 1/8-in.