How to Make a Cross From a Palm Leaf
29 SEP 2017

Christians celebrate Palm Sunday a week before Easter and palm fronds are an important part of this celebration. According to Jewish tradition, palm fronds symbolize victory. Christians wave blessed palm fronds to symbolize Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, just as the crowds that welcomed him did 2,000 years ago. Palm fronds used for the feast day are cut from compound palm leaves. They can be left as is or made into crosses.

Cut a palm frond from a palm leaf. It should be 1 1/2 to 2 feet long.

Measure about 5 inches down from the top of the palm frond and fold it. The shorter part of the folded palm frond should be in front.

Turn to the back of the folded frond and measure about 2 inches down from the fold. Fold the frond at the 2-inch point so that it forms a 90-degree angle. Turn the palm frond around.

Measure about 2 inches on the working part of the palm frond and make a fold. This forms the bar of the cross.

Measure about 2 inches past the center of the cross and then make another fold. This fold takes the working part of the palm frond to the back of the cross.

Fold the palm frond at a 90-degree angle at the center back of the cross.

Take the palm frond to the front of the cross, across the body of the cross and to the back of the cross.

Bring the palm frond around the right bar and to the front of the cross.

Take the palm frond across the body of the cross again.

Tuck the frond into the diagonal strips behind the cross and pull it out completely. Cut the excess palm frond with a pair of scissors.