How to Wear the Marine Service Alpha Uniform Properly
29 SEP 2017

The Marine Corps service uniform is green and khaki and is equivalent to a business suit in the Marine Corps service. It is the designated wear for serving on court-martials, making official visits to American dignitaries and officials, visiting the White House and reporting for duty onshore. The Alpha uniform, also known as the "Service A" uniform, is the base service uniform. It consists of a green coat, green trousers, a khaki web belt, khaki long-sleeve button-up shirt, khaki tie, tie clasp and black shoes. Like any military uniform, there is a proper way to wear it.
Wear ribbons and shooting badges on the left chest of the coat, which should be semi-form fitting. Make sure that no more than one-third of the ribbons are obstructed by the collar of the uniform. All ribbons must show properly.
Wear shooting badges so that the top of the pistol badge is even with the top of the rifle badge, if the marine has both badges.
Wear the belt around the waist, with the end of the belt precisely 2 inches to the left of the belt buckle.
Wear rank insignia sewn on the sleeves if you are enlisted personnel. Officers wear rank insignia on their collars and the shoulder epaulets of their jackets.