How to Get Discharged From the Marine Corps
4 OCT 2017

Enlisting in any branch of the military is an important and binding decision not to be taken lightly, especially when enlisting in the Marine Corps, which is the highest branch of the United States military. Once enlisted, it can be difficult to get out of the service. There are only a few ways one can be discharged from the Marines.
1 Develop a medical condition
Develop a medical condition to become discharged from service. A medical condition such as diabetes, poor vision, damaged bones or ligaments and any others that can inhibit you from successfully performing your duty can lead to a medical discharge from the Marines.
2 Be diagnosed with a mental condition
Be diagnosed with a mental condition. Depression, anxiety with panic attacks, hallucinations and any other psychological conditions can result in a mental discharge from service, as these conditions reduce your ability to perform your military duty.
3 Exhibit bad conduct
Exhibit bad conduct. Bad conduct ranges from refusal to follow orders to anything severe as causing bodily harm to another person, and will lead to immediate dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps.
4 To meet physical and body weight standards
Fail to meet physical and body weight standards. Examples of this include failure to perform physical duties and failure to adhere to your specified body weight. Obesity and poor physical performance will lead to an administrative discharge.
5 Complete your enlistment
Complete your enlistment to be released from service. Completing your enlistment consists of finishing your required period of service and will lead to an honorable discharge.