How to Dance La Marcha de los Novios
29 SEP 2017

Immediately after a traditional Hispanic wedding, a fiesta de los novios occurs. This is much like a standard wedding reception held in many cultures, except it is open to a wider number of people in the community –- essentially anyone who knows or who is associated with the newlyweds or their families. At the beginning of the fiesta, la marcha de los novios is danced to the song of the same name, to welcome in the happy couple. The dance only takes a few steps and can be replicated fairly easily.
Form a line with one married couple, traditionally close friends of the newlyweds.
Have the married couple hold hands and walk side-by-side.
Have the bride and groom follow the lead of the first couple.
Direct both sets of parents to also hold hands and follow the newly married couple.
Get other family members, in sets of two, to hold hands and follow the parents.
Direct family friends and community members, also in sets of two, to hold hands and follow.
Split the couples split into two groups, beginning with the back of the line, and have everyone stand in place.
Direct the couples, now standing face to face, to join hands over their heads, making a canopy.
Usher the newlyweds under the canopy, followed by everyone else in line, who snakes through to the front.