How to Correct Wording on Invitations
29 SEP 2017

It is common etiquette to mail out formal invitations for special occasions such as graduations and wedding ceremonies. Invitations are a major expense no matter what style invitation you choose. This is usually the first impression guests will get of a couple's wedding, so it is important that all the information and wording be correct. Invitations usually include the name of the venue and the date of the event. If this information is worded incorrectly, some guests might not attend. If you notice an error in the wording of your invitations, you should correct the mistake immediately.
1 Refer to the final proof
Refer to the final proof you approved and submitted to the printing company to verify that the wording on the invitations you received is what you approved.
2 Contact the printing company
Contact the printing company and request a complimentary reprint and rushed order if the mistake is their fault. If you approved the correct wording, the printing company should take responsibility for the reprints.
3 Send out the invitation with the error
Send out the invitation with the error if it is a small typo and you don't have time for a reprint. You may get lucky and no one will notice the mistake.
4 Print your own invitation insert cards
Print your own invitation insert cards with the correct information and mail them with the invitations. This is the best option if important information is incorrect and you don't have time or money to reprint the invitations.
5 Type
Type the correct wording in a similar font and print it on label paper. You can stick the small word labels over the incorrect wording on your invitations.
6 Scratch the paper
Scratch the paper lightly with fine-grit sandpaper to remove the ink and then fill in the correct information by hand. This works best if the invitations are handwritten because the handwriting will be too noticeable if you fill in the information on a printed card.