How to Become an Ordained Minister in Florida
29 SEP 2017

To become an ordained minister in Florida, you must associate yourself with a Florida church. Traditionally, an ordained minister was someone who trained with a particular religious order and devoted himself to the precepts of a specific religion. These days, numerous churches exist granting free or inexpensive ordinations online, usually for the express purpose of granting someone the authority to perform a wedding ceremony. For your ordination to be valid in the state of Florida, you do not necessarily have to receive your ordination in Florida itself.
Choose your calling. If you want to become a minister in Florida so you can lead a congregation and offer other traditional clergy services, contact your local church and ask what the specific requirements are to become ordained. If you simply want to get an ordination credential so you can perform a marriage ceremony, you might want to eschew the traditional and lengthy church ordination process in favor of an online ordination.
Compare and contrast various online ordination offerings. Many churches now offer easy and free or inexpensive online ordinations. However, you may also want to take advantage of the products that these churches sell on their websites, such as suggestions for ceremonies and printed credentials. The ordinations from most of these churches are equally valid, so you may choose one over the others based on their additional product offerings and ministerial support.
Fill out the ordination paperwork. Churches like the Universal Life Church will grant you ordination simply by providing your name, address, city, state, zip code, country and email address. Once you are ordained with the Universal Life Church, you are considered an ordained minister associated with a church, according to most state statutes.
Provide additional information to state and federal governments, if required. Depending on how you intend to use your ordination, you may or may not have to supply additional information. For example, if you intend to develop your own congregation and raise money, you may have additional financial requirements, according to the IRS.
Confirm the validity of your ordination. Check current Florida ordination laws, as state laws frequently change. As of 2010, the Florida Senate allowed any ordained minister in communion with a church or any other ordained clergy to solemnize marriages.