How to Embed a PowerPoint in Moodle

Teachers can use Moodle to create e-learning lessons.
... Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images

The option to import PowerPoint presentation files was removed from Moodle installations after October, 2012. However, you can import single PowerPoint presentation pages by saving them as an image and importing the file into your Moodle lesson. If you installed Moodle before this date, PowerPoint 2003 presentations can still be imported.

1 Importing Powerpoint Images

If you installed Moodle after October 18th, 2012, save each PowerPoint slide as a PNG image file. Import the PNG file into Moodle and then embed the image into the individual content pages of the lesson you're creating. Animations and transitions from your PowerPoint presentation will no longer work.

2 Importing PowerPoint 2003 Files

If you installed Moodle before October 18th, 2012, you can import presentations created in PowerPoint 2003. Presentations created in newer versions of PowerPoint won't work. Save your presentation as a Web page by clicking on "File," "Save As," then selecting "Web page" as the file type. Create a ZIP file with the new files created by PowerPoint, but don't include the HTML file. Import the ZIP file into Moodle by selecting "Import PowerPoint." Transitions and animations created in PowerPoint will no longer work, but the presentation will embed within your lesson.

Based in the Washington DC area, Brian Flax holds a Master of Science in education technology, and a Bachelor of Science in entertainment business from Full Sail University. His articles have been published on, where he was a daily writer in the smartphones and tablets section.
