How to Get Rid of Title Overlays in Window Movie Maker Clips

Edit title overlays on Windows Movie Maker project files.
... Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images

You can only get rid of title overlays in Windows Movie Maker clips if you have access to the original file for the project. If you have already exported the project to a format to play on a computer, the Web or a device, the file cannot be edited to extract the title overlays using Movie Maker. However, if you have the project file, deleting the overlays is a straightforward process.

Open the video project file to edit in Windows Movie Maker.

Click the first title overlay in the video timeline.

Click the “Edit” option, then click “Remove” from the Edit menu. The title overlay is deleted.

Repeat the process for each title overlay in the timeline.

  • Information provided in this piece applies to Windows Movie Maker 2012. Instructions may vary slightly or significantly for other versions of the software.
  • You can also delete a title overlay by clicking the overlay in the video timeline, then pressing the “Delete” key.

Randall Blackburn has worked for several Fortune 1000 companies as a technical writer over the past seven years. He has produced a wide variety of technical documentation, including detailed programming specifications and research papers. Randall has also acquired several years' experience writing web content. Randall lives and works in Austin, TX.
