How to Change iPhone SMS Text Message Bubbles

The Apple iPhone is a model of elegant design, high technology, powerful mobile computing -- and extremely limited customization. The text message layout is no exception. Apple provides no built-in way to change the color or layout of the default text bubbles on the iPhone. You can turn to several aftermarket apps for a solution.
1 App Store Solutions
Color Text Messages+ allows you to choose from dozens of different colors for your message bubbles, as well as picking different fonts, textured bubbles and the ability to use a random design on each message you send.
Color Your Messages offers over 40 different colorful templates for text messages, different fonts and the ability to make them bold or italicized, contrasting or matching shadows, textures, and the ability to preview messages before you send them.
Pimp Your Message PRO gives you over 130 colors to choose from for your message bubbles, over 30 fonts and 40 backgrounds. You can even add glow or shadow effects to your text, all with no distracting banner ads.
Pimp My Text PRO offers a huge range of colors and fonts, emoji icons, text effects and more. It’s also compatible with group messaging as well as Apple’s iMessaging service, and is compatible with the iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone.
2 Version Information
Information in this article applies to Apple iPhones running iOS 7. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.