How to Make a Background Image Fixed in an iPhone

Apple's iOS 7 operating system uses a parallax scrolling effect to add the illusion of depth to your iPhone's wallpaper. While this setting can produce an attractive visual effect, some users may find the subtle background motion distracting. Parallax scrolling mode also causes the iPhone to zoom in slightly on your wallpaper, meaning that wallpapers that are the same size as your iPhone's screen may actually appear slightly too small in practice. The Reduce Motion setting allows you to return your iPhone to static wallpaper, as well as disabling animations when you open or close an app.
Tap the “Settings” icon to open the iPhone's Settings menu.
Tap “General” and then select “Accessibility” to open the phone's Accessibility options page.
Select “Reduce Motion” and then set the “Reduce Motion” toggle button to the “Off” position. The phone will automatically apply the Reduce Motion settings, including making your wallpaper static.
- Information in this article applies to iPhone devices running iOS 7 or later. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.