Catholic Christening Party Planning Etiquette

White is usually worn to symbolize purity.
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The christening ceremony is a sacrament that symbolizes a child's entrance into the Catholic faith. Although people of all ages can be baptized, christening ceremonies are usually performed on infants. During the ceremony, the parents, godparents and church members promise to raise the child according to the traditions and beliefs of the Catholic church. Afterwards, a party is often held to welcome the newest member of the community.

1 Respect the Wishes of the Parents

Sometimes the godparents or grandparents want to plan the christening party. Although the new parents may appreciate the help, they probably also have ideas of what they want at the party. Don't get carried away with your ideas without consulting the parents. Ask them first what they would like the party to include, and then go from there.

2 Be Inclusive

You may not have room to invite the entire church, but be sure to invite the key players in the christening to the party. For example, the immediate family should be invited, including the godparents, and the priest who performed the christening. Sometimes, the party is held at the church right after the ceremony specifically so that all who want to can attend.

3 Decorate Accordingly

A first birthday party should have lots of colorful balloons and toys; a first christening should not. This is a religious sacrament, and as such, the party should reflect the seriousness of the occasion. Stick with white and maybe pastel blue or pink, and use Catholic symbols such as crosses and doves to decorate the venue. Flowers instead of balloons are a good choice, according to 101 Baby Shower Ideas. Candles, which represent the light of Christ, are another good idea, but keep them out of reach of little hands.

4 Make Good Food Choices

Light and sweet food choices reflect the sweet innocence of the christening. Heavy, greasy or messy foods are not good choices for this party. Instead, stick with light cakes with white frosting, clean finger foods and mints and nuts. Include a wide variety of non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee, tea, punch and water.
