Can You Check Your Verizon FiOS DVR Online?

Verizon offers an online FiOS DVR Manager that you can use to manage your DVR from the Web browser of any computer or mobile device. With this tool, you have access to a number of FiOS TV options -- for example, you can schedule or cancel a recording, manage your FiOS Favorites channels, and access a week's worth of TV listings. The Verizon FiOS DVR manager requires no additional fees beyond those you already pay for your regular Verizon services.
1 How to Use FiOS DVR Manager
To use the FiOS DVR Manager, you must log in to the Verizon FiOS TV Central website (link in Resources). Once signed in, hover over "My Verizon" at the top and select "Program My DVR." After a few moments, you will be presented with a DVR Manager window and a number of management options. For example, you can record a new show, view your list of recorded programs or manage the shows you have set to record in the future.
2 Mobile Apps
Although there is a mobile version of the FiOS TV Central site (link in Resources), Verizon also offers FiOS DVR management apps for both iOS and Android mobile devices. After installing and launching the appropriate app, enter your Verizon FiOS user name and password. From there, you can browse TV listings and record new shows, manage the shows stored on your DVR and view future recordings you have configured.