How to APA Reference Google Images

Google images can be extremely useful when writing a research paper because they add interest and visual support for your assertions. When writing in American Psychological Association, or APA, style, all images must be properly cited. A Google image should be treated like any other electronic image -- the same as a graph, chart or table. Once it is located, you must click the image to visit the original website, as this is the site that should be referenced, not Google.
1 The Reference Page
After performing a Google search and locating the image you want to use in your paper, simply click that image to visit the original website. Gather the appropriate information for the reference page and list it like this: Author. (Publication Date). Title of image. Title of website. Retrieved from URL.
Here is an example: Schultz, R. (2013). Victor Cruz. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from,0,2987171.story?track=rss.
Italicize the website title and list the entry in alphabetical order by the author's name. If the image does not have a title, then describe the content in brackets.