How to Invite Neighbors for a Bible Study

Be clear there's no obligation to attend every week.

Bible studies allow people to not only learn about the Bible and their faith, but also build friendships and strong relationships. The Bible instructs people to love their neighbors, so inviting them to a Bible study at your home is a way to build positive relationships, while sharing your faith. However, religion can be a touchy subject, as people often share different views and possess different faiths. That’s why it’s important to be friendly and respectful when inviting a neighbor to a Bible study.

Decide all the details for your Bible study. For example: “Wednesday night from 7 to 8 p.m.” Also consider whether to have a target audience for your Bible study, such as married couples or teenagers. This helps you decide who to send invitations to.

Create a personalized invitation to give to your neighbor. The more personal it is, the more likely he is to attend. Write his name on the invitation, as well as important information -- such as when the Bible study meets, your address and a number to call for more information. Act friendly and interested in him attending, but avoid doomsday messages such as, “We’re praying for your soul. You really need this or else…”

Address the envelope with your neighbor’s address and your return address. Handwriting this information shows more care on your part.

Mail the invitation. While you can email an invitation if you know your neighbor's email address, a mailed invitation gets more attention and increases the likelihood he will attend. You can phone your neighbor or ring his doorbell, but he may feel trapped and put on the spot.

Chris Brower is a writer with a B.A. in English. He also spent time studying journalism and utilizes both to deliver well-written content, paying close attention to audience, and knowing one word could determine whether a product is a success or a failure. He has experience writing articles, press releases, radio scripts, novels, short stories, poems and more.
