How to Make a Good Presentation of a Case Study
24 JUN 2018

Various industries use case studies to present new information to colleagues or professionals who can benefit from new methods. In the educational field, a case study might present information for launching a teaching process or type of activity. The final documentation of the study presents information about how the research was conducted and how it impacted the target population. The presenter uses various methods to inform the audience. These methods include why the case study occurred, a list of questions the study answered, any graphics that illustrate the information and the study’s conclusions.
Create a title that makes your listeners or readers curious about the case study. Include enough information in the title to make your topic clear but not enough to reveal your major points.
Write an abstract that summarizes the question you set out to answer, the methodology you used, the subjects of your case study and a short conclusion. For example, if your subjects are school children and you want to know how effective using sign language in class would be in creating an inclusive class for hearing-impaired and hearing children, explain how you integrated American Sign Language (ASL) with English into your lessons. Include how successful the case study was and what additional ideas you suggest for further study.
Compose the body of your case study with data from the project. Tell the story of the class and how things change over the course of the study. Describe how long the study ran and whether you had students drop out or join the class. List activities and resources you used to incorporate ASL and how supportive students, parents, administrators and other instructors were in the project. Delineate factors that impacted your study and how each factor made a difference in the outcome. Consider including comments from the students and staff regarding various elements.
Include charts that support your information or a table that organizes the information so that those who see your presentation can assimilate the data. Use a chart to summarize score changes for the hearing-impaired and hearing students once ASL instruction began in the classroom. Use a table to list unexpected changes in the class and whether those changes made a positive, negative or neutral difference in the learning environment. Include pictures of the hearing students interacting with hearing-impaired students if the school and parents consent to having the students photographed.
State the conclusions from your case study clearly and concisely. Specify whether you believe the study was a success or a mixture of good and bad outcomes. List questions that you think need further study or ideas for a different kind of process in the classroom. Offer your perspective for use of the study in other classrooms and specific suggestions to make the implementation more successful.