Topics for Small Group Bible Studies or Prayer Meetings
29 SEP 2017

Studying God’s Word in a small group setting nurtures a positive learning environment. In order to have a successful study group, though, offer topics informative and relevant to the members. You can use several general topics that fit these criteria.
1 Evangelism
Spreading the Gospel is as important today as it was in ancient times. Sseveral references in the New Testament can help us ignite our passion for spreading God’s Word. Discuss Biblical references for spreading the word of God throughout your community. During the series of lessons on evangelism, group members of the group can organize an event to spread the Word to others in the community, putting the lessons learned in Bible Study to good use.
2 Personal Values
Your Bible study group also can conduct a series of lessons on personal values. In today’s society, where many people are obsessed with having material possessions, remind people they should return to their core values. The New Testament has some wonderful passages that discuss how people should live a Godly life. You'll find some of the best material for these lessons in Matthew and John.
3 Psalms
The Psalms offer plenty material effective for Bible study lessons and prayer meetings. Inspired poets wrote psalms to glorify God and His Word and in praise of the beauty of a relationahip with God, and even of the afterlife. Some people may not realize the lessons in the Psalms, so this would be a prime opportunity to shed light on this often underutilized section of the Bible.
4 Revelation
Since civilization is now well into the new millennium, it is a prime time to study the lessons contained in Revelation. This is one of the most difficult book in the New Testament, and a small Bible study group would be a good way to study it. Revelation spectacularly describes the end of the world and entry into God’s Kingdom. Studying a series on this chapter will help people to focus on what they can do to make the current world better for everyone and help you live a Godly life.