How to Stop My Frizzy Dreads

Dreadlocks are a fun, edgy hairstyle with the added benefit of pretty much staying exactly the way they looked when you first got them. That is, until new hairs start to grow -- and then the dreads can turn into a frizzy mess that makes Medusa look good. There’s no need to stress over your messed up mane. Instead, tame the frizz with styling products until your stylist can reknot the hairs at your next appointment.
Spray your dreads with a sea-salt spray designed specifically for dreadlocks by applying only enough to the dreads to dampen them. Spray all of your dreads with a light mist, and then run your hands down each one to smooth the stray hairs down into the dreads. Do not apply the spray to your scalp.
Place the top of one dread between the palms of both hands, and rub your hands back and forth in a rolling motion. Work your way all the way down the shaft of the dread. Repeat with each additional dread, or only the ones that are frizzy. Repeat the rolling once per day to work the hairs into the dread shafts.
Wait until the next time your dreads start to look frizzy, which differs for everyone. Squeeze a dime-sized amount of aloe vera gel containing vitamin E into your palm and dip your fingertips into it. Smooth the gel down along the shaft of each dread to tame the frizziness.
Put on a tight-fitting cap before bed each night to prevent excessive rubbing of the dreads, which contributes to frizziness.
- Do not apply any type of conditioner to your dreads to tame the frizz. Conditioners will actually cause the dreads to loosen up and begin to straighten.
- Do not use any styling product that contains silicone, as it will loosen the dreads.
- The sea-salt spray will create a white, crusty buildup with continued use. Alternating its use with the aloe vera will delay the salt buildup.