Signs That My Best Friend Is Attracted to Me

Your best friend has been acting a little differently lately, leaving you to wonder if he might be attracted to you. The two of you used to have easy conversations, and now he seems tongue-tied and nervous. You've also noticed him looking at you more than usual. Unless he decides to share his feelings, it will take a bit of detective work to unravel the signals he is sending.
1 Sly Looks
On those occasions when you have caught your best friend staring in your direction, he quickly looks away. If this happens often, it could be a sign of attraction, says behavioral scientist and dating expert Christie Hartman in the article "Signs a Man Is Interested in You (Part 1)" on her website. People look at others they find interesting, Hartman says. Eye contact that is held for two seconds or longer can signal interest and attraction.
2 Small Signs
Preening behavior is another sign of interest, Hartman says. For example, your best friend used to be relaxed and laid back, and now she keeps smoothing her hair behind her ears when you are around. If she engages in small behaviors to try and improve her appearance around you, she might be interested in more than friendship. Nervous fidgeting, stuttering or blushing can also mean she is attracted -- and anxious to make a good impression.
3 Body Positioning
A person who finds you attractive will subconsciously mirror your behaviors, according to the Social Issues Research Centre article "Guide to Flirting." If your best friend sits with his legs facing the same way as you, puts his hand on his chin like you and leans his head in the same direction, he may be thinking of more than friendship. Couple these behaviors with intense eye contact and a bit of preening -- and you may be witnessing the beginning signs of attraction.
4 Touching
Follow the 5/15 rule to determine if your best friend is interested, as described by body language consultant Bryn Drescher and cited in the "Cosmopolitan" article "10 Things You Don't Know About Attraction." If your friend touches you five times in 15 minutes, she may find you attractive. For example, she might touch you on the arm, place a hand on your back or gently ruffle your hair. If she finds excuses or reasons to touch you, she might be interested in more than friendship.