How to Sign Into the App Store on a Kindle Fire
To sign in to the Amazon store from your Kindle Fire to purchase apps and media, you must first register your Kindle device to your Amazon account. Once your device is registered, you can install Android apps from the Amazon Appstore directly to your device. The Kindle Fire must be connected to the Internet for you to be able to register your device and sign in to the Amazon Appstore.
1 Prepare Your Kindle Fire
To prepare your new Kindle Fire for registration with Amazon, press the Power button to power on the Kindle Fire, then swipe the orange arrow to the left. The Welcome Tips screen displays some preliminary instructions for navigating your device. Tap the “Next” icon in each screen to move through the Tips until the Kindle Fire home screen displays. Next, connect to a wireless network.
2 Wi-Fi Setup
Tap the gear icon to open the Settings bar, then tap the “Wi-Fi” icon. A list of available Wi-Fi networks is displayed. Tap on the entry for your wireless network, then type the network password in the Password field. Tap the “Connect” button to establish a wireless connection with your network.
3 Register Kindle Fire
Once you have established a connection, tap the gear icon once again, then tap “More.” Tap “My Account.” If your device is not yet registered, the Register button displays. Tap the “Register” button, then type your Amazon account email address and password. Tap “Register” to register your device with your account. The device registers and the Register button label changes to “Deregister.” You can now access the Amazon Appstore on your device.
4 Install Appstore Apps
You can always purchase apps from your Amazon account using any computer or device that's connected to the Internet. After the purchase, use the Manage Your Kindle tool to transmit the purchase to your device. To purchase apps and media from the Amazon Appstore directly from the Kindle, tap the “Apps” icon on the Kindle home screen, then tap “Store” to open the Appstore. Type the name or type of an app in the Search field. Tap a resulting entry to open the app’s details screen, then tap “Buy App” in the details page to install a paid app, or tap “Get App” to install a free app. Provide your Amazon password to install the program. Open the app by tapping its icon in the Kindle home screen or by tapping “Open” in the app details page. Read and acknowledge the app’s license agreement before using the software.