What Are EOG Scores?

North Carolina students in grades 3 through 8, including those attending charter schools, are required to take End-of-Grade (EOG) standardized tests to evaluate their progress in three core subjects. Each student receives an EOG score that demonstrates how well they’re performing.
1 About EOG
The EOG exams test students in reading, mathematics and science. The number of correct answers by each student provides a raw score that is converted into a developmental scale score.
2 Features
EOG scores are ranked on a scale of one to four achievement levels, with the fourth achievement level being the highest. The exact number needed to reach each achievement level varies, depending on the subject.
3 Significance
Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 must post an EOG score at achievement level three in order to advance to the next grade.
4 Benefits
EOG scores help the North Carolina Board of Education gather information to monitor each individual student’s performance and the effectiveness of the entire school system.
5 Considerations
A Duke University study found that exposure to lead early in childhood lowered EOG reading scores in minority and low-income children.
6 History
The EOG statewide assessment program began in 1996.