What Is the Highest Score on the Praxis II?

The Educational Testing Service Praxis II tests gauge a teacher's mastery of subject and specialty areas. Other Praxis II tests include the Principles of Learning and Teaching and the ParaPro Assessment. Minimum scores are required to obtain teaching licenses.
1 Scoring Methods
Multiple-choice sections of all Praxis tests are scored by assigning one point for every correct response. Constructed-response questions are graded by professional educators in the particular subject area. Some tests add the ratings from each of two or three scorers to come up with a total raw score. Other tests are weighted according to difficulty and converted to a scaled score that takes the difficulty into account.
2 Scoring Range
Praxis II tests either have a scoring range of 100 to 200 or of 250 to 990, depending upon the subject area the test is assessing. For most tests with a range of 250 to 990, it is not actually possible to achieve a score of 990. The actual maximum score might be as low as 780 in some cases.
3 Median Scores
Median Praxis test scores are those that half of test-takers got higher than and the other half got less than. The highest median score for any test with a range of 250 to 990 was 820, in the cooperative education assessment, based on the scores of those who took the test between August 1, 2007 and June 30, 2010. For tests with a scoring range of 100 to 200, the one with the highest median score for the same period was Teaching Foundations: English (0048), with a median score of 188.5.