How to Interpret Terra Nova Tests

Terra Nova tests are tests that your child will take several times throughout middle school. They cover a wide range of subjects and are intended to place your child roughly in his percentile score range for each of them. Taking the tests can help reveal strengths and weaknesses in your child's education and give you a good grasp on which subjects he made need some additional help in. Reading the Terra Nova test scores properly is the best way to determine what help, if any, your child needs in improving his education.
Read over all information that comes with the Terra Nova test results. Guidelines for interpreting the scores and percentiles will be included.
Look at each score. The score for each subject on the test is reported as a percentile. For example, if your child scored in the 95th percentile in mathematics, that means he scored higher than 95 percent of other students who took the test.
Remember that Terra Nova tests are not IQ tests; Terra Nova tests measure achievement in answering questions correctly, whereas traditional IQ tests measure aptitude in critical thinking and other skills. Although the Terra Nova test result may contain an IQ, be aware that this number does not necessarily reflect your child's IQ.
Compare your child's Terra Nova test scores to their overall school performance. Talk to his teacher about in-class test results and performance to see if there are discrepancies between the Terra Nova scores and your child's grades.
Address any serious issues presented by the Terra Nova test. Low Terra Nova test scores may indicate a problem with your child's understanding of or education in a certain subject.