How to Record Voicemail From an iPhone Into Audacity

Your most memorable voice mails -- like a birthday song performed by a relative, for example, or a romantic message from someone special -- deserve to be saved rather than deleted forever. With the help of your iPhone's Visual Voicemail feature and the Audacity recording software, you can transfer those memories to your computer -- over an auxiliary cable or simply through your computer's microphone -- and save them to the hard drive.
- Basic auxiliary cable (male-to-male 1/8-inch audio cable)
1 Auxiliary Cable to Microphone
2 Connect one end of the auxiliary cable
Connect one end of the auxiliary cable to the headphone jack on your iPhone and the other end to the incoming microphone port on your computer. Be sure not to plug it into your computer's headphone jack, which is solely for output.
3 Launch Audacity
Launch Audacity and select "Edit" and then "Preferences."
4 Ensure your microphone jack
Ensure your microphone jack is set as the default under "Devices" and click "OK."
5 Navigate
Navigate to the Visual Voicemail on your iPhone by launching the Phone app and tapping "Voicemail." Locate the audio file you wish to save.
6 Click Record on Audacity at the same time
Click "Record" on Audacity at the same time you press "Play" on the message. You will likely not hear anything since the sound is going straight into the computer, but you can verify incoming sound by watching the Audacity display.
7 Click Stop
Click "Stop" on Audacity after your voice mail has ended. Click Click "File" and then "Export," and then save your voice mail recording.
- Though the auxiliary cable and incoming microphone port will offer you the best quality recording, it is not your only option. You can also hold your iPhone up to your computer's built-in microphone and play your voice mail with the speakphone enabled. Use Audacity to record the file and ensure that the microphone and not the incoming mic port is set as the default recording device.