Pageant Questions for Children
4 OCT 2017

Beauty pageants for children are a fun learning experience for the child and the family. As the child gets older, beauty pageants will include an interview question and answer portion so the contestant can demonstrate self-confidence and poise to the judges. The interview question portion may be the most important part of some pageants, but also the trickiest and hardest part for the child. Knowing the types of questions in advance and practicing answers will help the child relax and feel confident with her abilities while letting her personality shine.
1 The Purpose of Pageant Questions
One of the main objectives of the question and answer portion of a child's beauty pageant is so the judges can get to know the contestants. Beauty is not just skin deep, but is also shown through personality, confidence, self-control, style, poise, presence of mind, knowledge and intelligence. Through answering the questions contestants will grow in experience and confidence.
2 Types of Questions
The questions asked at the beauty pageant can be about anything the directors choose. In some pageants the contestants will receive sample questions beforehand so they can practice. Younger children, between the ages of 4 and 8, will receive easy questions, possibly involving their own interests such as her favorite color, talents, hobbies, food, animal or movie. Older children will receive questions that are more complex about their opinions and the world around them. Toddler and baby pageants usually do not have an interview question portion.
3 How to Answer Pageant Questions
Answering the questions with confidence and style are important. Knowing what type of answer the judges are looking for is important as well. Quickly forming the appropriate answer in your head and then delivering it with ease is a challenge. It is important to answer the question with confidence and enthusiasm, avoiding a monotone tone of voice. The contestant should be able to elaborate on the answer so that it is at least a couple of sentences. Have her practice answering the questions slowly and articulately and staying on topic. If she has bad habits such as saying "um" or "uh," practice until she no longer says it. In addition, have her practice answering in a positive and upbeat manner and avoid revealing personal or family problems.
4 Body Language
The judges will be listening to the verbal answer the contestants give, as well as watching her body language. It is fine to be nervous, because most girls will have bouts of stage fright. If she is able to overcome these jitters with confidence, the judges will be impressed. While practicing have her stand up tall, but keep her hands relaxed to her sides. Have her avoid rocking side-to-side and fidgeting. She should keep a relaxed smile on her face and make eye contact with the interviewer as well as looking at the audience and judges at the right moments.
5 Sample Questions for Young Children
If the pageant director does not give you sample questions for your child to practice, here are a few questions, or you can make up your own: What is your favorite breakfast food and why? What is your favorite color and why? Do you have any brothers and sisters? What games do you and your brothers and sisters enjoy playing? Do you take any lessons such as piano, gymnastics, or dance and tell us what you like about it. Are you on any sports teams such as soccer or softball and what makes you a good team player? Are you having fun at this pageant and why? Do you have any pets, and tell us about them. Do you think getting good grades in school is important and how do you achieve this?