Manhattan High Schools That Provide Culinary Arts

Many Manhattan high school students attend private schools or magnet schools--alternative public schools that specialize in a specific subject area or educational philosophy. High school students with an interest in culinary arts choose from several public or private schools that offer courses in this area and even build an entire curriculum around culinary arts.
1 Food and Finance High School
Food and Finance High School is a special school that focuses on culinary arts. Students learn critical thinking skills through their study of culinary arts, the history of food and other issues related to cooking or restaurant management. Students study academic subjects as well as culinary arts, but all academic teaching is related to culinary arts issues, e.g., math for cooks. Food and Finance High School is a public school and admits New York City residents who have an interest in culinary arts.
Food and Finance High School 25 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 212-586-2943
2 Aaron Academy
Aaron Academy is a high school that offers culinary arts in addition to academic subjects. It considers itself a private special education school and is dedicated to helping students learn by integrating information from many disciplines in each class and using multiple presentation methods. Students are admitted prior to the start of the 9th grade and can continue at the school through graduation. Admission is based upon interviews with the student, parent, prior teachers, and counselors or therapists.
Aaron Academy 40 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016 212-867-5443
3 Urban Academy
Urban Academy is a non-traditional high school that allows students to choose courses they are interested in from a course catalog at the start of each semester. This catalog includes courses in culinary arts. Urban Academy treats high school students like college students and encourages them to follow their interests rather than requiring all students to follow the same curriculum. Each year, students work with an adviser to assess their progress towards graduation and ensure they study subjects in a number of areas. Some students enroll in college courses at nearby schools while still attending Urban Academy.
Urban Academy 317 East 67th Street New York, NY 10065 212-570-5284