How to Make a Rain Catcher

Making a rain catcher is a simple do-it-yourself project that can serve a variety of purposes. It can provide you with a clear record of how much rain has fallen, particularly helpful for gardeners who need to determine whether to hand water their plants and flowers. Rain catchers can serve as an educational tool for children or as a school project. Most of the materials for making a rain catcher can be found around the home.
Choose a plastic bottle in which the base is the same circumference as the top. If necessary, cut off the top of a bottle that tapers at the top to make the top and bottom equal.
Hold a ruler alongside the bottle and mark off the desired measurements. These usually include centimeters or millimeters.
Apply glue to the bottom of the bottle and press firmly onto a small wood board. This will help prevent the rain catcher from spilling over during high winds.
Place rocks or other heavy objects onto the edges of the wood board around the rain catcher to secure it in place.